After some endurance and training races in the spring, the season started again (as usual) with the KV training weekend for the racers. In the last weekend of March the time had come. The weather was good so on Friday most cyclists went to the group location in Doorwerth. In addition, two cars were fully loaded with bags, sleeping bags, and some groceries. The WedCom had chosen as location for this weekend a place between the cows and we were allowed to spend the night in an old barn. The barn consisted of a large kitchen, a huge common room, two large dormitories in the (hay) attic. A lot of space, but unfortunately not really insulated and quite chilly/cold so still in the spring. Extra warm clothes and warm sleeping bags were not really on the packing list...
After everyone had chosen their place to sleep and had showered (hot or cold), the bellies could be filled with a good plate of pasta. In the evening the competitive spirit was tested with a game of earthworms. Different tactics were played such as all-or-nothing, calculating the odds, stacking or just stealing as much as possible from the other.
On Saturday there was a training ride on the program over the hills of Nijmegen and Arnhem. The sun came out early so we could start cycling short distances. On the bridge at Nijmegen we could enjoy the view, partly made possible by a flat tire of Niels. After everyone had overcome the climbs at Nijmegen and Groesbeek, we had to keep going to be at the ferry in time to cross the Rhine.

After the ferry we had to say goodbye to Annelotte and Simon because of a broken cable. With the rest of the group we drove on to Arnhem. At the foot of the Veluwezoom the group was split into a fast, very fast and super fast group. The Zypenberg, the Diepensteeg, the Holleweg, the Posbank and the Emma pyramid were all part of the route. After all those kilometers and altimeters it was time for a break. At pancake house Strijland we could enjoy a delicious pancake and a drink. Dessert consisted of some nice climbs on the way back home such as the Wall of the Arnhemse Allee, the Bosweg, the Zypendaalseweg, and the Italiaanseweg. The results of this day were many PRs, tanned/red lines and faces, heavy legs, a repaired cable, a broken derailleur pad, a broken pair of pants, and hefty scrapes (after an asphalt inspection).

On Sunday, the alarm clock woke up early, because it was time to race! The Omloop van Schoonderlogt was on the program. The elites and amateurs (men) could start at 10.15 am in the A pack and the starters (men) and ladies could start at 10.16 am in the B pack. In both groups the pace was high and there were regular attacks. This resulted in a leading group in both groups, but of course also in groups with discharged riders. Most of the KV riders held their own in the peloton and the others enjoyed themselves in a fan or group.

Unfortunately the KV'ers could not reach the podium, but we could cheer for our former KV'er and secretary 2017-2018: Koen van Lochem. Disguised in the blue of RETO he crossed the line first with his hands in the air, well ahead of the others in the leading group (of the B peloton).
After the race the experiences, frustrations and pains were shared on the way back to Doorwerth. Tired but satisfied we had a nice lunch with omelets, cheese and all other food that had to be eaten before departure. Of course everything has an end so after the big cleanup and packing up the cars, it was time to go home again, back to Enschede. All in all it was a successful weekend! On to a great racing season!