Waarom je wedstrijden wilt rijden!
Riding Races
Rondjes touren is leuk, maar het kan nog leuker zijn om tegen anderen te race. Bij Klein Verzet zijn er allerlei mogelijkheden om te beginnen met het rijden van wedstrijden.
D.W.V. Klein Verzet is affiliated with the "Koninklijke Nederlandse Wielren Unie" (KNWU). The KNWU is the organization that focuses on competitive sports. Tasks of the KNWU are, for example, license management, organization and coordination of races. You can find more information on www.knwu.nl You can also find the latest racing calendar and results.
The first step to start racing is to find a nice race. Good entry level races are the studentencups, the NSK (Dutch Student Championships) and local criteriums. Talk to some experienced racers to see what fits best. At most the aforementioned races you can buy a day license on location.

Ook wordt er regelmatig een tijdrit gereden
Requesting a license
If you are sure that you want to ride multiple races during the year, you can buy a startlicense. With this license you can participate at the same races as with a day license, but it will save you some money.
One step higher is the Amateur or Sports class license. The number of races for Amateurs in East Netherlands is bigger than the number of races for the Sports class. Klein Verzet racers therefore often choose to ride with an Amateur license. An extra perk of riding with an Amateur license is that men have starting rights for national and district championships. Above the Amateur level is the Elite and Under23 level. The cost of this license is higher, but there are more opportunities for higher level races.
Also, for the women's there is a choice between startlicense, Amateur and Elite licenses. However, these levels often ride together during races

The costs of these license differ between €32 for a startlicense, up to €132 for an amateur license and €293,30 for elites.

Because of time registration, chips are used at official KNWU races. The ProChip Flex can be bought at www.mylaps.nl and have to be placed on the front fork. There is also a possibility to rent a chip. After purchasing a license, the chip should be registered at the KNWU website. The costs for a chip are €54 for 2 years.

The racing season runs from March/April to September. Preparations for the season begin with training races in February. These races are a good way to get used to the level of racing, usually only a basic license is required. The advantage of these races is that the level at the beginning of the season is lower than halfway the season. Some level is required, but most racers start training in December.
During the season there is a competition training every tuesday evening. There also Oldenzaal training races on tuesday and thursday evening. Both trainings are a good preparation to learn riding race pace and in Oldenzaal you can gain experience riding in a peloton.

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